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Australian Flow Batteries


2 Thermal Chase Bibra Lake, WA, 6163 Australia
1300 426 672

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The Future of Diesel Replacement with AFB’s VRFB Technology

Thousands of remote communities and industries across Australia, New Zealand, and Asia rely on costly and polluting diesel generators to power their operations. As the world transitions to renewable energy, there’s a massive opportunity to replace diesel with renewable energy and sustainable, long-duration energy storage solutions — like Australian Flow Batteries’ Hybrid Diesel Replacement System, a containerised solar array with Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries.

Here’s why diesel replacement is the key to a cleaner, more affordable energy future:

Market Opportunity

  • Australia: Over 6,000 off-grid power systems, with a combined capacity of 2,000 MW, are powered by diesel.
  • New Zealand: Remote communities face high diesel costs, and the country is pushing towards 100% renewable electricity by 2030.
  • Asia (Indonesia & Philippines): Thousands of islands rely on diesel, making energy both costly and environmentally damaging. There is a significant demand for renewable alternatives and energy storage in these regions.

Economic Benefits

  • Diesel Costs: In remote regions, diesel can cost up to three times more than grid electricity.
  • Savings: Replacing diesel with AFB’s diesel replacement system can reduce energy costs by up to 90% in some areas.
  • Investment Opportunity: With the growing focus on renewable energy, the demand for renewables and long-duration storage like VRFBs is expected to surge, offering a prime investment opportunity for forward-thinking industries.

Environmental Impact

  • Carbon Emissions: For every litre of diesel saved, around 2.7 kg of CO2 emissions are avoided. Transitioning to renewables could reduce millions of tonnes of CO2 annually.
  • Sustainability: AFB’s diesel replacement solution offers clean, reliable energy storage for 20 years with no degradation, providing a sustainable solution for the energy needs of remote communities and industries.

Why AFB?

  • Scalable & Reliable: AFB’s diesel replacement systems are scalable, offering flexibility and reliability for various energy needs.
  • Proven Technology: The diesel replacement system has a track record of success in challenging environments, making them ideal for Australia’s harsh conditions.

AFB is ready to lead the transition from diesel to renewables, empowering remote communities and industries with cleaner, more cost-effective energy generation and storage. Together, we can build a sustainable, resilient energy future.

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